New York state Senate Health Committee Chairman Gustavo Rivera has been one of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s fiercest critics, calling on him to resign months ago, and then again just moments after the attorney general released her report on sexual harassment allegations earlier this week.

The outspoken Bronx lawmaker told Capital Tonight that the primary focus of lawmakers right now must be on removing Cuomo from office.

“Let’s make sure we continue the pressure,” Rivera said. “What we have to focus on here, folks, is that continuing to talk about [this governor’s] crisis, means the real issues of New Yorkers — around housing, around health care, around criminal justice — these things are not being addressed because we’re dealing with his crisis." 

When asked if he was surprised that Cuomo is trying to cling to power, Rivera said no.

“His ego and his hubris know no bounds,” he said. “When the president of the United States of your own party, someone who you call a friend and claim to respect, when your handpicked chair of the Democratic Party calls for your resignation, you are done sir.”

Rivera continued.

“If you had [any] morals left, you would leave."