Democratic Assemblyman Peter Abbate and Assemblyman Tom Abinanti on Monday became the latest elected official in New York to back former Mayor Michael Bloomberg's presidential bid.
“I have worked with five different New York City mayors since taking office and none of them have done more to improve New Yorkers’ quality of life than Mike Bloomberg,” Abbate said in a statement. “Mike’s bold policies improved high school graduation rates, created hundreds of thousands of jobs for New Yorkers of all backgrounds and helped lift up the entire city after the devastating 9/11 attacks. Thanks to his visionary leadership, Brooklynites live in healthier and stronger communities. I know Mike will bring the same ‘get it done’ attitude to the White House, and I am honored to support him.”
Abbate represents a Brooklyn Assembly district, Abinanti represents Westchester County.
The endorsements come as Bloomberg has climbed to 21 percent in a Siena College poll conducted among New York Democrats last week, second only to Sen. Bernie Sanders at 25 percent, but also within the 4.5 percent margin of error.
The New York primary is April 28.
“Mike Bloomberg has the vision to rebuild America and the record to prove that he will do it as president,” Abinanti said.
“Mike has taken on the gun lobby, launched groundbreaking initiatives to combat climate change, created tens of thousands of jobs as a business leader, and run a government larger than many countries. Westchester residents want to be sure Donald Trump does not have four more years in the White House. It’s clear Mike is the best candidate to end Trump’s disastrous presidency. He has the ability and the resources to defeat Donald Trump and restore our country's integrity.”