According to the New York State Network for Youth Success, for every student that participates in after school, two more would participate if a program were available.
After school advocates are calling for $30 million in additional funding for these programs, just so they can keep up with actual program costs and not lose any students.
"After school programs not only provide a safe place for students to go, they also decrease risky behaviors, including drug and alcohol use," Kelly Sturgis, executive director of the New York State Network for Youth Success wrote in a statement.
The rate that programs like Advantage After School Program and Empire State After School Programs, are reimbursed for each student, is $1,000-$4,000 less than what it actually costs.
In a press release, the New York State Network for Youth Success said that the biggest hit to their budget came from the state-wide minimum wage increase on salaries. This year the minimum wage in upstate New York increased to $11.80 and to $15 in New York City.
The Advantage After School program currently serves more than 16,000 students in communities across the state.
Advocates say funding for these programs should be protected and made permanent.