Gov. Kathy Hochul included significant funding in her executive budget proposal for the SUNY system, and Chancellor John King says he is appreciative of the support, but there is more to do.

King told Spectrum News 1 he is enthusiastic about the centerpiece of Hochul’s higher education proposal: $47 million to fund free community college for students ages 25-55 who are entering high-demand fields.

“We’re excited that we will be able to serve more adult learners. We have a strong tradition,” he said. “There is a place for you where you can get the skills you need to move up in your job, or get the job that you want, and we’re going to make sure it’s paid for.”

King acknowledged the budget has to do some heavy lifting to make headway on addressing the challenges the SUNY system is facing. That means $2 billion for capital projects at SUNY and CUNY campuses is “a start,” King said.

“We need to build top-notch lab facilities across our campuses if we want to lead the way in quantum research, lab research and biotech. And I know the governor is committed to that,” he said.

Within that capital funding is $450 million toward a continuation of the state’s effort to keep SUNY Downstate Hospital afloat.

“That’s a building that is older. It needs significant capital improvements. We are working with a community advisory board to have a long-term plan,” King said.

Also included is $200 million for needed upgrades at SUNY Upstate. Upstate lawmakers have expressed concern that the Central New York facility isn’t receiving the infusion of resources that SUNY Downstate is, and King said the allocation indicates the governor has heard those concerns, but argued that it’s not enough to finish the job.

“That’s a $450 million project, but it will take multiple years to get there, so we will continue our conversation with the governor and the legislature,” he said.

The governor’s proposal for free community college has been praised by many Democratic lawmakers as well as organizations like the New York State United Teachers. Republican Assemblymember Robert Smullen, who is ranking member on the Higher Education Committee, is also among those who are on board.

What he said he is not on board with is the amount of state spending required to keep SUNY out of trouble, including an infusion to avoid a tuition increase.

“The SUNY system is struggling, but it has to do with declining enrollment, not state spending,” he said. “What we have to do is put policies in effect in New York that make people want to stay in New York, raise their family in New York and develop the economy.”

In recent years, that struggle has been on display in the form of concerns over deficits at some campuses. King pointed out that those issues at facilities like SUNY Potsdam and Fredonia are largely being addressed through program cuts rather than full closures.

“They are all making progress toward bringing that deficit under control, better aligning their programming with their student populations,” he said.

King said state support has and will continue to go toward assisting in that effort.