Nuclear energy is unique in a lot of ways. While it doesn’t emit greenhouse gasses, it is extractive since it relies on uranium mining. While nuclear waste is radioactive and must be carefully transported and stored, nuclear power is efficient and a greenhouse gas emissions-free alternative to oil and gas.

The state currently has three aging nuclear plants in Central New York, but they continue to produce 20% of New York’s energy.  

Over the past few days, Capital Tonight has hosted several guests on the show who have discussed the benefits of nuclear energy, specifically as a dispatchable resource that can fill in the gaps that arise with solar and wind.

But Blair Horner, executive director of NYPIRG, the New York Public Interest Research Group, disagrees with that assessment.

Horner spoke with Capital Tonight’s Susan Arbetter about the role of nuclear power in New York’s energy plan, as well as why he strongly supports the Climate Change Superfund Act.