The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday threw a wrench into the complicated negotiated settlements between Purdue Pharma, the Sackler family and the many interested parties – including New York state – that have claims against Purdue for contributing to the opioid crisis.

The settlements that Purdue and the Sackler family had reached promised $6 billion to claimants in exchange for personal immunity from liability for the Sackler family.

The Supreme Court ruled that the liability shield used in the settlement was a misuse of the bankruptcy system. 

The question now is, what does this mean for New York? 

Capital Tonight asked that question of Rob Kent, president of Kent Strategic Advisors, and a former general counsel for the Biden administration’s White House of National Drug Control Policy. Prior to serving in Washington, Kent served as general counsel for the New York state Office of Addiction Services and Supports, or OASAS.