With some differences left on the bargaining table, the deadline for the mayor and the City Council to come to an agreement on a final budget is fast approaching.

Legally, City Hall has a June 30 deadline to finalize the fiscal year 2025 budget. Local lawmakers continue to call on Mayor Eric Adams to completely restore cuts to key city agencies. 

What You Need To Know

  • Legally, City Hall has until June 30 to finalize a city budget

  • The Council is calling for full restoration of cuts to libraries, cultural insitutions, education and parks
  • Mayor Eric Adams hasn't indicated if any restorations will be in the final deal

“We’re here in final negotiations and we certainly have priorities. Arts and culture, our libraries, our parks. These are major ticket items in addition to education,” Councilwoman Carlina Rivera, who chairs the Council’s committee on libraries and cultural institutions, said. “We’re in these last throes, it’s quite heated and we want to make sure we’re passing something that is responsible, that’s absolutely feasible and that delivers for the families of New York City.”

In the last year, Adams has announced several rounds of budget cuts amid fiscal straits, including the expiration of COVID stimulus dollars and the ongoing migrant influx.

The cuts have forced some agencies to reduce service, like libraries that are no longer open every day.

“We need our libraries open seven days a week for access to technology, for music and arts performances, for career and financial services. It’s more than a place for just books, these are democratic institutions,” Rivera said.

Local lawmakers say they want full restoration to these key areas in any final deal.

Sources told NY1 the Council plans to work late into the night Wednesday in order to hash out a deal on time.

In an interview with “Inside City Hall” on Tuesday, Council Finance Chair Justin Brannan seemed confident about final negotiations.

“As long as the Council and the speaker, Adrienne, her members feel that enough of our priorities are met and we’re getting what we want out of this budget, we will pass this budget,” Brannan said. “The world is not going to end if we don’t pass the budget on June 30, but certainly we understand the assignment.”

The mayor has yet to show any indication if any restorations will be included in a final deal. On Tuesday, he said negotiations with Speaker Adrienne Adams are ongoing.

“We are going to be fierce advocates for what we believe, but we constantly show that at the end of the day, 95% of the things we both agree on,” the mayor said.

Sources close to the negotiations told NY1 a handshake could happen as soon as Thursday afternoon.