The federal Right to Contraception Act, which would codify a person’s right to access and a health care provider's right to provide contraception and information into federal law, has its first Republican cosponsor in upstate New York U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro.

In a statement released on Wednesday, the Republican who represents the 19th Congressional District, which voted for President Joe Biden in 2020, said “we need to do more to support women and the choices they make” and adds that the bill “is commonsense and a good place to start.”

The bill is sponsored or co-sponsored by nearly every member of the House Democratic caucus. The only Democrat from New York not to join as a co-sponsor is Rep. Tom Suozzi, of Long Island. However, when the bill passed in the last Congress, he voted for the legislation.

Planned Parenthood Empire State Acts, the political action arm of Planned Parenthood in New York State, welcomed Molinaro’s co-sponsorship of the legislation and said in a statement that they “implore representatives on both sides of the aisle to do the right thing and protect this cornerstone of reproductive health care.”

The bill was blocked in the U.S. Senate on Wednesday by Republicans.