The New York state Democratic and Republican Assembly conferences are ready to face off but this time on the softball field.

On Wednesday, members of the Assembly from both sides of the aisle will take the field at Hudson Valley Community College in a charitable effort to benefit food pantries in the Capital Region.

The inaugural New York State Assembly Charity Softball Challenge will see the elected officials compete for bragging rights and the chance to raise “The People’s House Cup Trophy." Organizers hope the event will become an annual tradition to “allow Assembly members from every corner of the state to support our home away from home.”

In a statement, Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay said “A former New York Assembly Republican Leader once said ‘speak softly, but carry a big stick.’ I’m confident that will be evident on the diamond tomorrow evening.”

First pitch is expected at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday at the softball field behind the home of the Frontier League’s Tri City ValleyCats. Snacks and non-alcoholic beverages will be available at no cost with spectators encouraged to donate to the cause.

According to a report from the New York state Department of Health, nearly one quarter of New Yorkers experience food insecurity. The county with the highest rate of food insecurity, outside New York City, was Herkimer with 28.8% of residents experiencing food insecurity.