Reps. John Katko and Elise Stefanik in a letter to the Biden administration on Thursday outlined a list of questions and concerns raised over staffing levels of federal agents near New York's border with Canada. 

The letter to President Joe Biden comes amid the movement of border patrol agents south to handle the number of migrant travelers crossing into the United States.

“The lack of effective response to the crisis on our Southern Border is threatening the operational readiness along our Northern Border," the lawmakers wrote in the letter. "A threat that puts our communities and nation at risk. Our Northern Border Patrol Agents continue to remain understaffed and overworked and for the safety of our communities, we ask that you provide answers to these questions. We implore you to reconsider your reluctance to invest in our Southern Border security and for the safety of all Americans, revise your immigration policies that have been failing thus far.”

The lawmakers outlined a half-dozen questions for the administration, inlcuding the number of border patrol agents in parts of upstate New York and western New York, the status of patrol boats on Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River and solutions to northern border staffing levels. 

“Over the past several weeks, I have heard from many whistleblowers from the US Border Patrol expressing grave concerns over the lack of manpower along our Northern Border, as agents are being transferred to clean up President Biden’s crisis in the south," Stefanik said. "The few agents that remain are forced to virtually process illegal immigrants in Texas, leaving only a handful to patrol the entire New York Border and zero to patrol our waterways."

Stefanik pointed to an increase in drug and firearm seizures at the border over the last year.

"President Biden’s immigration, economic, humanitarian, and national security crisis at the US-Mexico border has in turn created a crisis at the US-Canada border," she said. "He must put an end to this madness, protect the American people, and prioritize the well-being of our Border Patrol Agents.”