This is the workout routine of an Olympian. She's 14-year-old Izzy Brinkheroff Fletcher. A gymnast from Clifton Park, she's a competitor in Special Olympic events.  

Izzy is something of a star in the Special Olympic community, though of course it's been difficult for athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

For Special Olympians, the pandemic has meant not being able to go the gym or being able to socialize with coaches and their friends. But now they're back.  

Izyy is a little modest about her abilities. She's actually a 10-time gold medal winner in the Special Olympics. In fact, Izzy is so good she's been made one of the faces of a sponsorship campaign by the organization meant to show what it would be like for her be sponsored by a big time ad campaign like the ones that usually highlight elite athletes. 

"Our athletes work hard, they train hard, every day, every week in their sport," said Stacey Hengsterman, the president and CEO of Special Olympics New York. "Our athletes don't pay for any of their sports equipment, any of the training facilities. We cover all of that form them so we rely on sponsors and donors. 

But a lot of Izzy's success is due to the help she gets from her coach, Marlene Michels. She was inspired by her cousin, who is disabled, to work with athletes like Izzy.  

"To watch children with disabilities like Izzy to be a part of the team and learn a routine and take it on to a state game level has just been amazing," she said. 

The Special Olympics hopes that by putting athletes like Izzy on their sponsor campaign more people can find out just what the Special Olympics is all about.