New York state over the last six months has had 9 million coronavirus tests performed, and in the last 34 days, its daily infection rate has remained below 1 percent, Governor Andrew Cuomo said Thursday.

New York received the results of 76,000 tests in the last day, finding an infection rate of 0.98 percent, or 767 new cases.

Cuomo, in a conference call with reporters, knocked President Donald Trump for suggesting a reduction in tests would lead to a rosier picture for the infection rate.

"States report the number of cases they have found by testing," Cuomo said. "The question that needs to be asked how many tests are you taking? President Trump said if we do fewer tests, then we have fewer cases. He's said 'I told my people, do fewer tests.' If you do fewer tests, you will find fewer cases. It's a deception, it's a scam, it's a fraud."

Cuomo archly pointed to the reporting of journalist Bob Woodward, who was told by the president in March he sought to downplay the severity of the virus after telling him in February it is "deadly." Trump on Wednesday said he did not want to cause a panic.

"It's the same deception that the president admitted to Woodward on tape," Cuomo said. "It's the same deception every American knows he's undertaken since this COVID began."