New York's overall coronavirus infection rate has flattened to the point where less than 1 percent of the tens of thousands of tests conducted everyday are coming back negative.
But state officials are worried about spread of the virus elsewhere: on farms.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Friday in a conference call with reporters said mobile testing units would be deployed to rural areas of the state as "clusters" of positive cases pop up around farms and other agricultural businesses.
It's a concern that's been echoed since the start of the economic reopening. Some businesses in rural counties, like apple manufacturers, have seen coronavirus cases in their areas.
The New York Farm Bureau earlier this year surveyed members, finding 84 percent of farms and agribusinesses have safety plans in place for their workers.
The group cheered the move to have mobile testing sites.
"As we have seen, no one and no place are immune from the virus. Farms are continuing to take this health crisis seriously, and this latest announcement from Governor Cuomo will further this mission on our farms," the group said. "NYFB thanks the hard work of the New York State agencies that are rolling out the plan, and we look forward to an ongoing partnership to protect agriculture’s valuable workforce. New York’s farms are still farming to meet our food security needs and this must continue."