President Donald Trump's executive orders won't help New York out of its fiscal hole and some of the requirements may be impossible for the state to meet, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Sunday in a conference call.
New York continued to make progress in reducing the rate of infections during the coronavirus pandemic. The state recorded its lowest infection rate since the pandemic began in March in New York, standing at 0.7 percent out of tens of thousands of tests conducted.
Seven people have died of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours and 548 people remain hospitalized, Cuomo said.
But as the state has seen its infection rate reduce and level off, New York is facing a multibillion-dollar budget hole that Cuomo has been pushing the federal government to plug.
Negotiations in Washington over another stimulus package have stalled in large part over disagreements for providing direct aid to state and local governments who have seen their tax revenue disappear during the pandemic and subsequent shutdown to stem the spread of the disease.
Trump on Saturday announced executive orders that are meant to bypass congressional action. But Cuomo on Sunday said those orders do not help the state.
"It's on shaky ground legally, but even to the executed executive orders, they aren't going to meet the demand," he said.
One of the presidential requirements would have state governments take up 25 percent of unemployment costs, a move that would cost New York $4 billion.
Cuomo called the inaction part of a larger pattern of the federal government not responding forcefully enough to the crisis.
"It's just an additional failure in a series of failures in handling this COVID crisis," Cuomo said. "My advice is when you're in a hole, stop digging."
The budget hole could force cuts of up to 20 percent for schools, health care programs and local governments.
Asked when those cuts will take effect should Congress continue to fail to reach a deal, Cuomo demurred.
"The federal action has to be resolved," Cuomo said. "What the president has done is make it impossible on the state."