A list of $7.35 billion worth of infrastructure projects from county governments was sent to President Donald Trump and top lawmakers in Congress in an effort to boost the economy through an inverstment in improvement efforts in New York.
The projects and letter were compiled by the New York State Association of Counties, which listed proposals in 40 different counties around the state.
“Now is the time to innovate, to invest in our future, and to rebuild a stronger, smarter infrastructure for the good of all,” said NYSAC President John F. Marren. “It is in this spirit of renewal that we presented these project recommendations to our federal partners. These projects represent a significant opportunity to jumpstart our economy, add construction and trade jobs to our workforce, and strengthen our infrastructure for the next generation of Americans.”
The group estimates there are more than $10.8 billion in infrastructure funding needs in the state. A full funding plan for these proposals could save or create up to 200,000 jobs.
The officials hope the infrastructure investment would provide a boost to an economy batter by the COVID-19 pandemic as unemployment in New York last month remained above 14 percent.
“As we begin to rebuild our communities in the wake of this economic disaster, now is the perfect time to invest in these long-overdue projects,” said Dan McCoy, President of the County Executives Association of New York. “By making critical investments in infrastructure, we can create and save tens of thousands of jobs while tackling long-standing infrastructure needs that will strengthen our communities and attract new business opportunities.”