Jury selection ended and opening statements were made Tuesday in the ballot fraud case involving three Rensselaer County officials. 

Director of Operations Richard Crist, Bureau of Central Services Director James Gordon and Executive Office worker Leslie Wallace are accused of conspiring to obtain and cast fake absentee ballots in voters' names during the 2021 elections. 

The 12-member jury consists of seven men and five women, along with four alternates.

In an opening statement made in federal court, prosecutors alleged Crist and Gordon conspired to intimidate county employees into signing absentee ballots, and aiming to support Republican candidates. Gordon allegedly pressured witness Andrew Pelton to sign ballots.

The defense emphasized the defendants' character and roles within the county government.

They argued that COVID-19 altered absentee voting processes, and that any ballot issues could have been addressed by the Board of Elections. The defense claims Gordon did not threaten Pelton, and Wallace's involvement was minimal.

If convicted, the defendants could each face up to 10 years in prison.

Gordon also faces a charge for witness tampering, which could result in a 20-year prison sentence. Wallace is also accused of making false statements, which could get her up to 5 years.

The FBI is leading the investigation.